Status for: $FLAVOR
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Flavor description: TEST
Uniq ID : 20151005-21395
Flavor : slitaz-test3
Packages : 38 in list - 0 installed
Rootfs size : 106.9M
ISO size : 33.0M
Distro log
Build time : 126s ~ 2m
Receipt created : 2015-10-05 09:38
Flavor packed : 2015-10-05 09:52
2015-10-05 10:00-slitaz-test3 : Build started
Creating flavor slitaz-test3... OK
Preparing slitaz-test3 distro flavor
Cleaning /home/slitaz/distro... OK
Extracting flavor slitaz-test3.flavor... OK
Creating distro-packages.list... OK
Adding rootcd files... OK
Adding rootfs files... OK
Updating tazlito.conf... OK
Flavor is ready to be generated by: tazlito gen-distro
Tazlito generating a distro
Preparing the rootfs directory...
Installing package: attr-2.4.46.tazpkg OK
Installing package: busybox-1.18.4.tazpkg OK
Installing package: bzlib-1.0.6.tazpkg OK
Installing package: cookutils-1.8.tazpkg OK
Installing package: dialog-1.1-20110707.tazpkg OK
Installing package: dropbear-2011.54.tazpkg OK
Installing package: e2fsprogs-1.41.14.tazpkg OK
Installing package: gcc-lib-base-4.5.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: glibc-base-2.13.tazpkg OK
Installing package: gpxe-0.9.3.tazpkg OK
Installing package: grub4dos-linux-0.4.4.tazpkg OK
Installing package: isapnptools-1.27.tazpkg OK
Installing package: kbd-base-1.15.3.tazpkg OK
Installing package: libcap-2.19.tazpkg OK
Installing package: linux-2.6.37.tazpkg OK
Installing package: lzlib-4.57.tazpkg OK
Installing package: lzma-4.57.tazpkg OK
Installing package: pcmciautils-018.tazpkg OK
Installing package: posixovl-1.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: ppp-2.4.5.tazpkg OK
Installing package: rp-pppoe-3.10.tazpkg OK
Installing package: slitaz-base-files-4.6.tazpkg OK
Installing package: slitaz-boot-scripts-4.7.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: slitaz-tools-4.9.1.tazpkg OK
Installing package: sysfsutils-2.1.0.tazpkg OK
Installing package: syslinux-4.05.tazpkg OK
Installing package: syslinux-extra-4.05.tazpkg OK
Installing package: tazlito-4.6.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: tazpkg-4.9.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: tazusb-4.1.tazpkg OK
Installing package: udev-170.tazpkg OK
Installing package: zlib-1.2.6.tazpkg OK
Installing package: ncurses-common-5.9.tazpkg OK
Installing package: acpid-2.0.14.tazpkg OK
Installing package: ntfs-3g-2011.1.15.tazpkg OK
Installing package: ntfs-3g-dev-2011.1.15.tazpkg OK
Installing package: samba-3.5.8.tazpkg OK
Installing package: ethtool-2.6.38.tazpkg OK
Copying addfiles content to the rootfs... OK
Root filesystem is generated... OK
Preparing the rootcd directory... OK
Moving the boot directory... OK
Copying addfiles content to the rootcd... OK
28704 bytes saved in duplicate files.
Generating lzma'ed initramfs...
Filesystem size: 19.7M
Computing md5... OK
Generating ISO image
Generating slitaz-test3.iso
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
42.80% done, estimate finish Mon Oct 5 10:01:25 2015
85.41% done, estimate finish Mon Oct 5 10:01:25 2015
Total translation table size: 2048
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 5268
Total directory bytes: 12288
Path table size(bytes): 50
Max brk space used 19000
11717 extents written (22 MB)
Creating hybrid ISO... OK
Storing ISO info... OK
Creating the ISO md5sum... OK
Converting slitaz-test3.iso to low ram iso...
205861 blocks
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 2 processors
Creating 4.0 filesystem on /tmp/tazlito-19511-24365/rootfs.gz, block size 131072.
[=============================================================-] 2667/2667 100%
Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, xz compressed, data block size 131072
compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 29986.81 Kbytes (29.28 Mbytes)
29.21% of uncompressed filesystem size (102667.58 Kbytes)
Inode table size 27664 bytes (27.02 Kbytes)
25.08% of uncompressed inode table size (110319 bytes)
Directory table size 28984 bytes (28.30 Kbytes)
44.36% of uncompressed directory table size (65334 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 13
Number of inodes 3212
Number of files 2045
Number of fragments 147
Number of symbolic links 621
Number of device nodes 130
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 416
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 5
Number of uids 2
root (0)
nobody (99)
Number of gids 5
root (0)
nogroup (99)
unknown (1026)
mail (1000)
sys (3)
Generating slitaz-test3.iso.32297
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
29.87% done, estimate finish Mon Oct 5 10:02:09 2015
59.60% done, estimate finish Mon Oct 5 10:02:09 2015
89.42% done, estimate finish Mon Oct 5 10:02:09 2015
Total translation table size: 2048
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 5268
Total directory bytes: 12288
Path table size(bytes): 50
Max brk space used 19000
16791 extents written (32 MB)
Creating hybrid ISO... OK
Storing ISO info... OK
Distro statistics (/home/slitaz/distro)
Build time : 126s ~ 2m
Build date : 20151005
Packages : 107
Rootfs size : 106.9M
Initramfs size : 19.7M
ISO image size : 33.0M
Image is ready: slitaz-test3.iso
2015-10-05 10:02 : Build ended for slitaz-test3