Status for: $FLAVOR
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Flavor description: thinkpad
Uniq ID : 20150406-14796
Flavor : slitaz-r51
Packages : 38 in list - 0 installed
Rootfs size : 140.9M
ISO size : 33.0M
Distro log
Build time : 90s ~ 2m
Receipt created : 2015-04-06 18:38
Flavor packed : 2015-04-06 19:43
2015-04-06 19:45-slitaz-r51 : Build started
Creating flavor slitaz-r51... OK
Preparing slitaz-r51 distro flavor
Cleaning /home/slitaz/distro... OK
Extracting flavor slitaz-r51.flavor... OK
Creating distro-packages.list... OK
Adding rootcd files... OK
Updating tazlito.conf... OK
Flavor is ready to be generated by: tazlito gen-distro
Tazlito generating a distro
Preparing the rootfs directory...
Installing package: attr-2.4.46.tazpkg OK
Installing package: busybox-1.18.4.tazpkg OK
Installing package: bzlib-1.0.6.tazpkg OK
Installing package: cookutils-1.8.tazpkg OK
Installing package: dialog-1.1-20110707.tazpkg OK
Installing package: dropbear-2011.54.tazpkg OK
Installing package: e2fsprogs-1.41.14.tazpkg OK
Installing package: gcc-lib-base-4.5.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: glibc-base-2.13.tazpkg OK
Installing package: gpxe-0.9.3.tazpkg OK
Installing package: grub4dos-linux-0.4.4.tazpkg OK
Installing package: isapnptools-1.27.tazpkg OK
Installing package: kbd-base-1.15.3.tazpkg OK
Installing package: libcap-2.19.tazpkg OK
Installing package: linux-2.6.37.tazpkg OK
Installing package: lzlib-4.57.tazpkg OK
Installing package: lzma-4.57.tazpkg OK
Installing package: pcmciautils-018.tazpkg OK
Installing package: posixovl-1.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: ppp-2.4.5.tazpkg OK
Installing package: rp-pppoe-3.10.tazpkg OK
Installing package: slitaz-base-files-4.6.tazpkg OK
Installing package: slitaz-boot-scripts-4.7.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: slitaz-tools-4.9.1.tazpkg OK
Installing package: sysfsutils-2.1.0.tazpkg OK
Installing package: syslinux-4.05.tazpkg OK
Installing package: syslinux-extra-4.05.tazpkg OK
Installing package: tazlito-4.6.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: tazpkg-4.9.2.tazpkg OK
Installing package: tazusb-4.1.tazpkg OK
Installing package: udev-170.tazpkg OK
Installing package: zlib-1.2.6.tazpkg OK
Installing package: ncurses-common-5.9.tazpkg OK
Installing package: linux-libre-crypto-2.6.37-libre.tazpkg OK
Installing package: wireless_tools-29.tazpkg OK
Installing package: linux-libre-wireless-2.6.37-libre.tazpkg OK
Installing package: linux-libre-module-headers-2.6.37-libre.tazpkg OK
Installing package: wpa_supplicant-0.7.3.tazpkg OK
Root filesystem is generated... OK
Preparing the rootcd directory... OK
Moving the boot directory...ln: bzImage: File exists
Copying addfiles content to the rootcd... OK
1361451 bytes saved in duplicate files.
Generating lzma'ed initramfs...
Filesystem size: 26.7M
Computing md5... OK
Generating ISO image
Generating slitaz-r51.iso
Using VMLIN000.37_;1 for /home/slitaz/distro/rootcd/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.37-slitaz (vmlinuz-2.6.37-libre-slitaz)
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
30.39% done, estimate finish Mon Apr 6 19:46:32 2015
60.67% done, estimate finish Mon Apr 6 19:46:32 2015
91.04% done, estimate finish Mon Apr 6 19:46:32 2015
Total translation table size: 2048
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 5367
Total directory bytes: 12288
Path table size(bytes): 50
Max brk space used 19000
16488 extents written (32 MB)
Creating hybrid ISO... OK
Storing ISO info... OK
Creating the ISO md5sum... OK
Distro statistics (/home/slitaz/distro)
Build time : 90s ~ 2m
Build date : 20150406
Packages : 67
Rootfs size : 140.9M
Initramfs size : 26.7M
ISO image size : 33.0M
Image is ready: slitaz-r51.iso
2015-04-06 19:46 : Build ended for slitaz-r51